Task Runners​Task ​Runners

Available on: Open Source EditionEnterprise Edition>= 0.18.0

Task Runners is an extensible, pluggable system capable of executing your tasks in arbitrary remote environments.

Many data processing tasks are computationally intensive and require a lot of resources (such as CPU, GPU, and memory). Instead of provisioning always-on servers, Task Runners can execute your code on dynamically provisioned compute instances in the cloud, such as AWS ECS Fargate, Azure Batch, Google Batch, auto-scaled Kubernetes clusters, and more.

All you have to do to offload your task execution to a remote environment is to specify the taskRunner type in your task configuration. Each type of a task runner is a plugin with its own schema. The built-in code editor provides documentation, autocompletion, and syntax validation for all task runner plugin properties to ensure correctness, standardization, and consistency.

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