Dynamic Dropdown for Inputs​Dynamic ​Dropdown for ​Inputs

Support dynamic dropdown for inputs based on data from external source.


In this guide, we show how you can create a dynamic dropdown list for inputs. The dropdown retrieves the values from an external source. While it is not possible to directly integrate the external source for powering the dynamic dropdown, it is possible to do so using the KV store.

Update KV store on schedule

To get started, we create a flow that fetches the data from the external source and set the value in the KV store. The value will be in the form of a list of strings.

In this example, the flow fetches data from a PostgreSQL table on an hourly schedule. You can change the cron property to run at a different frequency depending on how frequently you expect the data at the source to change. If the external source is in a database that supports change data capture, as in this case where we use PostgreSQL table, you can also leverage debezium trigger and immediately update the KV store.

id: update_kv_store
namespace: company.team

  - id: fetch_departments
    type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.postgresql.Query
    url: "jdbc:postgresql://{{ secret('POSTGRES_HOST') }}:5432/postgres"
    username: "{{ secret('POSTGRES_USERNAME') }}"
    password: "{{ secret('POSTGRES_PASSWORD') }}"
    sql: select department_name from departments
    fetchType: FETCH

  - id: department_key
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.kv.Set
    key: "{{ task.id }}"
    kvType: JSON
    value: "{{ outputs.fetch_departments.rows | jq('.[].department_name') }}"

  - id: schedule
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.trigger.Schedule
    cron: "0 */1 * * *"

This is how the KV store will look post execution of the above flow.


Flow supporting Dynamic Inputs

Let us now create the flow that supports dynamic dropdown for inputs powered by the KV store key.

id: dynamic_input_flow
namespace: company.team

  - id: department
    displayName: Department Name
    type: SELECT
    expression: "{{ kv('department_key') }}"

  - id: hello
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
    message: "The selected department is {{ inputs.department }}"

When you execute this flow, the department input will have a dropdown that contains the values fetched from the department_key key in the KV store.


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