Upload a file to a bucket.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.minio.Upload"
id: minio_upload
namespace: company.team
id: file
type: FILE
- id: upload_to_storage
type: io.kestra.plugin.minio.Upload
accessKeyId: "<access-key>"
secretKeyId: "<secret-key>"
region: "eu-central-1"
from: "{{ inputs.file }}"
bucket: "my-bucket"
key: "path/to/file"
Upload file to an S3-compatible storage — here, Spaces Object Storage from Digital Ocean.
id: s3_compatible_upload
namespace: company.team
- id: http_download
type: io.kestra.plugin.core.http.Download
uri: https://huggingface.co/datasets/kestra/datasets/raw/main/csv/orders.csv
- id: upload_to_storage
type: io.kestra.plugin.minio.Upload
accessKeyId: "<access-key>"
secretKeyId: "<secret-key>"
endpoint: https://<region>.digitaloceanspaces.com #example regions: nyc3, tor1
bucket: "kestra-test-bucket"
from: "{{ outputs.http_download.uri }}"
key: "data/orders.csv"
Access Key Id for authentication.
The bucket name.
A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents.
URL to the MinIO endpoint.
The file(s) to upload.
Can be a single file, a list of files or json array.
The key where to upload the file.
a full key (with filename) or the directory path if from is multiple files.
A map of metadata to store with the object.
MinIO region with which the SDK should communicate.
Secret Key Id for authentication.
The version of the object.
Access Key Id for authentication.
The bucket name.
A delimiter is a character you use to group keys.
URL to the MinIO endpoint.
The type of objects to filter: files, directory, or both.
Marker is where you want to start listing from.
Start listing after this specified key. Marker can be any key in the bucket.
Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix.
A regexp to filter on full key.
regExp: .*
to match all files
regExp: .*2020-01-0.\\.csv
to match files between 01 and 09 of january ending with .csv
MinIO region with which the SDK should communicate.
Secret Key Id for authentication.
Limits the response to keys that ends with the specified string.