Query a Cassandra database with CQL.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.cassandra.standard.Query"
Send a CQL query to a Cassandra database.
id: cassandra_standard_query
namespace: company.team
- id: query
type: io.kestra.plugin.cassandra.standard.Query
- hostname: localhost
truststorePath: path to .crt file
truststorePassword: truststore_password
keystorePath: path to .jks file
keystorePassword: keystore_password
username: cassandra_user
password: cassandra_passwd
fetch: true
CQL query to execute.
The session connection properties.
The size of the binary response in bytes.
Map containing the first row of fetched data
Only populated if 'fetchOne' parameter is set to true.
Lit of map containing rows of fetched data
Only populated if 'fetch' parameter is set to true.
The size of the fetched rows
Only populated if 'store' or 'fetch' parameter is set to true.
The url of the result file on kestra storage (.ion file / Amazon Ion text format)
Only populated if 'store' is set to true.
Password for the keystore file.
Path to the keystore file. (*.jks)
Password for the truststore file.
Path to the truststore file. (.crt)
The hostname of the Cassandra server.
The SNI server name.
In the context of Cloud, this is the string representation of the host ID.
The name of the application using the created session.
It will be sent in the STARTUP protocol message, under the key APPLICATION_NAME
, for each new connection established by the driver. Currently, this information is used by Insights monitoring (if the target cluster does not support Insights, the entry will be ignored by the server).
Specifies the datacenter that is considered "local" by the load balancing policy.
Plaintext authentication password.
Secure connection details.
Plaintext authentication username.