
All tasks must be authenticated for the AWS Platform.

You can either set up the credentials in the task or let the default credentials provider chain search for credentials.

To set up the credentials in the task, you can use:

  • The accessKeyId and secretKeyId properties for using the static credential provider,
  • The sessionToken property in conjunction with accessKeyId and secretKeyId for temporal credentials,
  • Or the stsRoleArn, stsRoleExternalII and stsRoleSessionName properties for STS assume role credentials.

When defining credentials in the task, this is a best practice to use secrets. Check the blueprints such as this one, showing how you can reference secrets in your AWS tasks.

The default credentials provider chain is an AWS credentials provider chain that looks for credentials in this order:

  • Java System Properties - Java system properties with variables aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretAccessKey.
  • Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • Web Identity Token credentials from system properties or environment variables.
  • Credential profiles file in the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI.
  • Credentials provided by the Amazon EC2 container service if the AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variable is set and the security manager has permission to access the variable.
  • Instance profile credentials provided by the Amazon EC2 metadata service.